Real natural star sapphire 2


Healing stone

     Star sapphire is strong healing precious stone.
Star sapphires are high soothing and calming stones. It helps in the release of psychological tension as well as unwanted thoughts. It helps in boosting your mental awareness, encouraging you to open your mind to better thinking and intuition. Then, it restores balance within your body to bring lightness, happiness and joy.

Real natural blue star sapphire gemstone

Photo - Real blue star sapphire gemstone

The protection talisman

     There is a common belief that star sapphires ward off the forces of the dark and strengthen one’s faith. As a result, star sapphires have often been used as protective talismans. Sapphires were believed to provide an early warning of hidden dangers. To that aim, they were very often worn by travelers and spiritual seekers. People believed that the power of this rare sapphire was so strong, that it would not diminish even after passing the gem to another person.
     It was also believed that the stone has the power to pull out venom from one’s bloodstream and nullify poison. 

Real natural pink star sapphire gemstone

Photo - Real pink star sapphire gemstone 

Magical spiritual gem

     The star sapphire can also help you in your spiritual path, guiding you as move and assisting in matters of discipline and guidance. Not only that, but this stone can also help you during times of extreme changes. This allows you to maintain a clear vision of where to go and how can you get there.
     Star sapphires also symbolize the Higher Self and the ultimate Truth. They are powerful stones of inner transformation. Crystal healers often use it in various spiritual practices, such as work on the chakra system, stimulation of Kundalini energy, and in Earth healing. It is said that those who ‘connect’ with the energy of the star sapphire develop psychic powers such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Real natural black star saphhire gemstone

Photo - Real black star saphhire gemstone 

Birthstone of september

     This is the birthstone for people with zodiac signs as virgins and is considered the birthstone for individuals born in September.
It is believed that the Star Sapphire being another fortune and thus helps to achieve financial stability in their lives. Although its particular zodiac sign does not directly like it, astrologers found it a very beneficial birthstone for September-born individuals.

Real natural purple star saphhire gemstone

Photo - Real purple star saphhire gemstone 

Star sapphire mine

     The most important deposits of fine star sapphire today are found in Myanmar (Burma) Mogok area, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Ratnapura area, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia. Other significant star sapphire sources include Brazil, Cambodia, China, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, United States (Montana), Vietnam and Zimbabwe.
     They are found dominantly in Sri Lanka, but also fine blue star sapphires have come from Burma. Black star sapphires have been found in Cambodia and India.

Real natural blue star sapphire gemstone
Photo - real blue star sapphire gemstone 

My other natural sapphire gemstone blog

Videos from my star saphhire collection :


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