Real natural star sapphire 1

Why sapphire?

     The name sapphire comes from the French “saphir”, Latin “sapphirus” or the Greek “sappheiros”, all of which means “blue stone”. Others believe that the name was derived from its connection with the blue planet of Saturn. Meanwhile, the prefix “Star” comes from its brilliant star design after it is enhanced.

Real natural blue star sapphire gemstone

Photo - real blue star sapphire gemstone 

Physical and chemical properties of stone

     Sapphires are a variety of Corundum which are aluminum oxide minerals, forming in bipyramidal, rhombohedral and tabular crystal structures. Also, it can occur as granular or massive habits. 

     Star sapphire gemstone we called corundum. Blue, pink, yellow, green, white, black, orange, corundum we called sapphire. gemstone a hardness of 9 on the Moh's scale is extremely hard and Durable, suitable for use in any kind of jewelry. Such hardness is second only to diamond. 

     It Showcases star-like effect know as asterism on the gemstones Sur face when viewed under a direct source.

Real natural blue star sapphire gemstone

Photo - Real blue star sapphire gemstone 

Why star sapphire?

     Star sapphires are just enhanced sapphires. It is created when the sapphire crystals are intergrown with fibrous inclusions of rutile or silk that reflects light in the stone’s cut end cabochon as a 12- or 6-rayed star. It appears to glide across the face of the stone as you look at it from a different angle. This optical effect is known as asterism and increases the rarity and value of the gem.

Real 12 ray black star saphhire gemstone

Photo - Real 12 ray black star saphhire gemstone 

Magical stone

     From antiquity, gemstones have been thought to possess mysterious powers. Sapphire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought. It is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. It is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. Sapphire is thought to bring peace of mind, serenity and prosperity.

Real natural black star saphhire gemstone

Photo - Real black star saphhire gemstone 

Good opportunity for jewelry making

     The star sapphire is extensively used in jewelry with the fine colored star sapphire of deep blue color and high transparency that can fetch several thousand dollars per carat. Blue star sapphires are often used in jewelry. However, other colors such as pink, orange and yellow star sapphire “fancies” have also become quite popular. 

     The light blue and green star sapphires are also well-known. They are, however, less commonly used in jewelry. Meanwhile, the opaque black star sapphire is also used as a minor, decorative gemstone.

    Sapphire is used in all forms of jewelry, including bracelets, necklaces, rings, and earrings. It is used both as centerpiece gemstone in pendants and rings, as well as a secondary stone to complement other gemstones such as Diamonds. Star Sapphires are polished as cabochons, and, if clear, are extremely valuable.

Real star sapphire gemstone ring jewelry

Photo - Real star sapphire gemstone ring jewelry 

My other natural sapphire gemstone blog

Videos from my star saphhire collection :


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